
About Francesca Santapaola

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So far Francesca Santapaola has created 19 blog entries.

Henderson, l’isola di plastica Patrimonio dell’UNESCO: l’esempio più eloquente di come gli oceani vengano soffocati dai rifiuti

Una specie di magnete per i rifiuti di tutto il mondo. Questo è diventata Henderson, remota isola corallina dell’Oceano Pacifico meridionale, un tempo paradiso naturale incontaminato dichiarato Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall’UNESCO nel 1988. Gli scarti di ben 24 Paesi, trasportati qui dalle correnti oceaniche, hanno trasformato Henderson nel luogo con la più alta densità di rifiuti [...]

June 19th, 2017|

Se i satelliti riducono le perdite idriche

I numeri dell’acqua che scorre in Sicilia raccontano una storia di perdita e spreco. Il 52% dell’oro blu (e cioè più di 50 milioni di metri cubi) non raggiunge gli utenti finali perché si perde lungo il tragitto negli acquedotti. Erosione del suolo, costi alti di fornitura e alterazione del patrimonio architettonico sono solo alcuni [...]

June 19th, 2017|

Dirty oil

Some Swiss companies (Vitol, Trafigura, Addax & Oryx Group (AOG) and Lynx energy), leveraging the low environmental standards of African governments, reduce the quality of fuels sold in Africa to increase their profits. Using a common industrial practice called mixing, commercial companies mix petroleum to toxic and particularly harmful to the environment and health (including [...]

June 6th, 2017|

Ban on Bathing: Italy and the case of Sicily

Sicily, a pearl of the Mediterranean, where bathing in summer 2017 in its beaches will be banned in more than two hundred coastal areas. That’s the decision by decree of the Regional Health Council, which regulates the seaside season, which opening is fixed from April 1st to October 30th. Between the reasons to ban bathing [...]

June 6th, 2017|

Losses in Sicily’s aqueducts

The Istat 2017 Water Resources Report says that every Italian consumes an average of 245 liters of drinking water per day and each family spends 13 Euros for the monthly water supply and 10 Euros for mineral water. In spite of these consumptions, the peninsula's aqueducts lose 38.2% on average, but in this picture, the [...]

June 6th, 2017|

From a paradise to a waste dump

The British Henderson Island is located in the South Pacific Ocean between Chile and New Zealand. It has been declared UNESCO’s heritage for its beauty, but unfortunately, reality says something different: the island is today the most polluted in the world, about 99% of its surface is occupied by waste, especially plastic. According to a [...]

June 6th, 2017|

Groundwater pollution in Ragusa

The Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) National report reveals a not enviable primacy for the province of Ragusa, in Sicily Region, Italy.. In the island 22.3% of the monitored aquifers is above the pollution limits due to an agricultural sector that uses excessively chemicals. The report is based on information transmitted by [...]

May 4th, 2017|

Air pollution in the Po Valley

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Po Valley is one of the most polluted areas in Europe. According to some press sources, Italy is the country in Western Europe with the worst air condition. However, the problem still does not seem to be addressed as it should: Italians who died in 2012 because [...]

May 4th, 2017|

Malè’s dump

Even the Maldives archipelago has its environmental problems: not only because of the rising sea level, but also because Thilafushi Island has become a dump where the Maldives waste is brought by sea. This island is only 7 km away from the capital city Malè and hundreds of immigrants are working in this mountain of [...]

May 4th, 2017|