
About Eeva Kirsipuu- Vadi

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So far Eeva Kirsipuu- Vadi has created 20 blog entries.

Külaelanike ohverdused ühiskonna hüvangu nimel – elektrienergia tegelik hind, näide 2

Kuidas teile tundub mõte, et teie esivanemate põlistalu, mis on sünnist saadik olnud ka teie kodu, on peatselt ajalugu? Talu alune maa kuulub üles kaevamisele ning seega tuleb teil leida endale uus kodu – see on energia hind, mida tuleb teie perel ühiskonna hüvanguks maksta. Ilmselt näib selline olukord paljudele absurdne, kuid ligi viiskümmend aastat [...]

December 18th, 2017|

Aidu open cast oil-shale mine and its impact (Estonia)

Oli-shale is one of the most important natural resources in Estonia. In 2017 about 85% of the enery used comes from oil-shale. The mining and benefication of oil shale and its use in the energy and chemical industry have damaged and will continue damaging the Earth´s structure, landscape, surface and ground water, atmosphere, plant cover and [...]

December 15th, 2017|

Elektrienergia tegelik hind: näide 1, hävinud pühapaik

Paljud meist ei mõtle igapäevaselt, kuidas elektrienergia ikkagi minu laualampi või arvutisse jõuab. Üldiselt on teada, et saame oma elektri peamiselt põlevkivist ning Ida-Virumaa maastikud on alates põlevkivi massilisest kaevandamisest oluliselt muutunud. Otsene mõju avaldub täna umbes 300 km2 ning see ala järjest suureneb. Teatakse tuhamägesid ja aherainemägesid, ka võimalust vajuda läbi maa endisesse kaevandusse. [...]

December 2nd, 2017|

Muhu saare ja mandri vahelise silla rajamise idee lõplikult maha maetud?

1997. a. alanud planeerimistegevused Muhu saare ja mandri vahele püsiühenduse rajamiseks on 20 aastat hiljem keskkonnakaitsjate ja paljude kohalike elanike rõõmuks kalevi alla pandud. 2006. aasta kevadel algatas valitsus Saaremaa püsiühenduse kava koostamise ning 2010. aastal valmis Muhu ja mandri vahelise transpordiühenduse keskkonnamõju strateegilise hindamise aruanne. Aruandes kaaluti kolme erinevat transpordiühenduse varianti: sild parvlaeva teest [...]

December 1st, 2017|

Saesaare paisu lammutamise vastu seisavad kohalikud elanikud ja ettevõtjad

Eesti tuntuimate looduslike vaatamisväärsuste – Taevaskodade – juures voolavale Ahja jõele rajati 1950ndate alguses hüdroelektrijaam koos paisuga. Selle Saesaare paisjärve rajamisega rikuti üks Eesti ilusamaid ja pikimaid kärestikke. Kärestik oli ligi paarsada meetrit pikk ja 30 meetrit lai, seda on kirjeldatud kui Eestis ainulaadset Alpi mägijõe tüüpi kärestikku. Paisu ehitamiseks raiuti eelnevalt maha rajatava paisjärve [...]

November 29th, 2017|

Hydroenergy production and tourism services vs habitat of salmonidae (Estonia)

Saesaare Hydropower Plant (HPP) was founded on Ahja River in year 1950/52. At the same place was one of Estonian most beautiful and longest rapid before HPP was founded. During the construction, rocks of rapid was used as construction material of HPP and rapid disappeared. During the construction of HPP a reservoir with the area [...]

October 20th, 2017|

Logging in the primeval forest may destroy a unique natural environment in Poland

During the last couple of years, the growing number of logging operations in Białowieża forests has been noticed. The Białowieża forest in under Poland protection, also in the Natura 2000 network and the UNESCO World Heritage list, which area covers nearly 1500km2 of the Poland eastern border with Belarus. The primeval forest with trees older [...]

October 15th, 2017|

Logging in Białowieża primeval forest, Poland

The Białowieża forest, located on the border between Poland and Belarus, is Europe's oldest remaining primeval forest, where large-scale logging threatens to destroy the richness of biodiversity. The last remaining primeval forest in European lowlands offers the habitat for the last largest European bison herd on the continent (nearly 900 individuals), also for several rare [...]

October 15th, 2017|

Fixed link between Muhu Island and mainland (Estonia)

In 1997 Saare county government (Estonia) started a project with a purpose to find out what are the technical and economic opportunities to develop fixed link between Muhu Island and mainland. On the socio-economic aspects development of fixed connection is justified because it would be used by people living on island and members of their families [...]

October 8th, 2017|

Phosphorite war in Estonia – is it completely over? / Fosforiidisõda Eestis – kas lõplikult möödas?

In recent years, phosphorite mining has been discussed in Estonia again. The European Commission has declared phosphorus to be a critical resource for the European Union. The largest phosphorite deposit in the EU is located in Estonia, near town Rakvere. Many Estonians still remember the "phosphorite war, culminating in 1987 - the society's opposition to [...]

September 30th, 2017|