Case File Folders

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Заедно всички сме силни и може да се справим с предизвикателствата на съвремието. Жителите на гр. Трън, малък град в Западна България, се обединиха и се противопоставиха на инвеститорско желание за златодобив в района. Хората от града и околностите организираха местен референдум. С изключително висока активност категорично показаха, че искат [...]

Let’s talk nuclear

Lately the whole world was both surprised and agitated by the fact that North Korea has officially asked for direct nuclear talks with the USA, its major opponent. The move that was called audacious by many respectful medias can bring both good and bad outcomes not only for Korea and [...]

London VS Paris: Air pollution in big cities

Many people judge China for not doing enough against the rising air pollution and high smog levels in industrial areas yet not so many of them actually pay attention to what is happening back in their hometowns. Such, London has been named one of the Europe’s unhealthiest major cities, as [...]

Водата в ски курортите – оскъден ресурс?

Всяка зима милиони туристи се събират в ски курортите, за да използват предимствата на планината. Сезонна миграция, генерираща ресурси и работни места, но която също оказва влияние върху управлението на водния ресурс – новото синьо злато по върховете.[1] Ще имали вода в планините до края на зимата? Един пример за [...]

Climate change=environmental refugees? Is the biggest crises coming?

Измененията на климата = екологични бежанци? Предстои ли най-голямата бежанска криза? По данни от актуално изследване на Фондация за екологична справедливост (Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), цитирано от вестник Guardian, над 150 000 души през 2017 г. са преминали през Средиземноморе в търсененапо-добър живот.[1]  Климатичните изменения ще се превърнат в основна [...]

Вредите от индустриалното животновъдство

Установено е, че 70% от цялата обработваема земя се използва за изхранване на добитък. Използването на обработваема земя за целите на животновъдството, е основнта причина за обезлесяването и опустиняването на планетата в световен мащаб. Само в Амазония, около 90% от горите се изсичат с цел земята да се ползва от [...]

A crisis in La Espanola: Haiti

The deforestation in Haiti has its historical roots in 1730, during colonization's excessive abuse of agricultural techniques in which French settlers intensively deforested for lumber, fuel and furniture.  After the Independence, the Government was forced to produce timber and abuse the resources of the land throughout the 19th century, to [...]

A deadly thirst, El Salvador

    The National Service on Territorial Studies claimed in 2005 that 90 percent of the surface waters in El Salvador are highly polluted, not only bringing harm to the aquatic animal life but to the millions of inhabitants of El Salvador. Some towns in El Salvador have never had [...]

55 млрд. евро в е-отпадъците

Според   данни на ООН 45 милиона тона електрически и електронни отпадъци са изхвърлени в света през 2016 г. Големи количества злато, сребро, мед, платина и паладий са част от съставките. Според съвместното проучване на Университета в Ню Йорк, Международния съюз по телекомуникации и Международната асоциация за твърди отпадъци теглото на [...]

Air pollution observatory in Rousse city

The city of Ruse is situated on the highest right bank of the Danube river, with population of  about 180 000 people. This is one of the biggest cities in Bulgaria – an important cultural, commercial and industrial center. Since the 1990s the citizens occasionally organize protests against industrial and [...]

Да запазим червеногушата гъска!

Благодарение на проект,   финансиран по  европейската   програма „Лайф+“  природозащитниците ще работят за опазване застрашения вид червеногушата   гъска (Brantaruficollis). В България в Румъния е концентрирана цялата популация на   този вид, затова   страната   ни е важна   страна  за  опазването му. Специалистите от Дружеството за защита на птиците вече работят по проект за [...]

Environment is among the priorities of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU

Protection of the environment and cleanliness of drinking water are among the main priorities in the field of ecology of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (January – June 201). During the official events will be discussed as well the issue of atmospheric air pollution. Another [...]

Yantra river is protected area

The river Yantra is the seventh long river in Bulgaria – 285,5 km and the 3rd Danube flow after Iskar and Osam. The river springs from Stara Planina  and its name in the ancient time was Yatrus. Since 2016 Yantra river is protected area – the decision was taken by  [...]

Doñana’s Natural Space Environmental Risk

The project of extraction and storage of gas within Doñana’s natural space is threatening its survival. Doñana’s natural space, protected since 1969 and declared Unesco’s Worls Heritage, hosts species like the threatened Iberic lynx, the imperial eagle or the black stork. Six million of birds stop in Doñana each year, [...]

Touristic impact in Barcelona

For many years, the social and environmental impact was not a priority theme of the touristic politics. However, the climate changing and the social factors speed up the pressures over the industry, which vacations business model makes a very intensive utilization of the natural resources. Because of that, the urgency [...]

Fishing community endangered by Rio Uruguay

Brazil has a gigantic natural diversity, fauna, flora and flowing rivers, a complex and multiple ecosystem, however, has been suffering from deforestation and pollution. Being a country with great territorial extension, Brazil ends up undergoing several complications at different levels. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the [...]

Portugal’s Forest Fire

2017 will be marked in Portugal’s history as the year that hell came down on earth. The larges devastation in one single year caused by forest fires in Portugal’s recorded history had its peak in October the 15th, with 400 active fires all over the country. Even though the country’s [...]

Il Caso Basilicata in Italia. I fiumi inquinati in provincia di Potenza

Aidu open cast oil-shale mine and its impact (Estonia)

Oli-shale is one of the most important natural resources in Estonia. In 2017 about 85% of the enery used comes from oil-shale. The mining and benefication of oil shale and its use in the energy and chemical industry have damaged and will continue damaging the Earth´s structure, landscape, surface and ground [...]

Waste management and Violence; The case of Keratea

Keratea is a town in East Attica, Greece. Ιt is part of the municipality Lavreotiki, of which it is a municipal unit. Keratea has a population of 7,500 people. The prefecture of Attica, which covers 2.9% of the total area of the country, has a population of approximately 3.9 million [...]

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