Anticosti Island is situated in the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the province of Quebec, Canada. Its long ridges that are located here are ten of most ecologically sensitive areas in St. Lawrence Gulf and are essential for the survival of aquatic organisms in the Atlantic Ocean. The island is a haven for many animal and plant species (red fox, river otter, Lady's slipper orchid, seals, whales, black bears, Atlantic salmon ...). The problem is that the Local Government of Quebec with the help of the corporation Petrolia wants to start with the extraction of oil and shale gas on the island. This project would certainly bring with it many environmental and other problems eg. water and air pollution, global warming, deforestation and disruption animal habitats .... The project also threatens local residents who have a feeling that despite the protests they are not heard. In 2013 a bill was proposed that would protect the population and environment of the 52 municipalities in the lowlands of St. Lawrence, but it was rejected in 2014. Currently the project is in the exploratory stage. The Quebec government and Petrolia have jointly invested more than 115 million Canadian dollars into exploring the potential for excavation of oil and natural gas under the ground and the government has promised an additional 115 million (excavation is estimated at 246 billion cubic meters). Government should have declared by spring 2015 whether the project is really going to be carried out but they still haven’t issued any official statements. It is believed though, that the Government will not issue an approval to the project and is saving money for a settlement with the company.


Otok Anticosti leži sredi zaliva Sv. Lawrenca v provinci Quebec v Kanadi, njegovi dolgi grebeni so eni izmed desetih ekološko najobčutljivejših območij zaliva Sv. Lawrenca in so ključnega pomena za preživetje vodnih organizmov v Atlantskem oceanu. Otok je zatočišče za mnoge živalske in rastlinske vrste (rdeča lisica, rečna vidra, orhideja, tjulenj, kit, črni medved, atlantski losos in druge…). Lokalna uprava Québeca želi s pomočjo podjetja Petrolia na otoku začeti s črpanjem nafte in zemeljskega plina. Ta projekt bi imel za okolje številne negativne posledice, med katere lahko uvrstimo npr. onesnaženje vode in zraka, vpliv na globalno segrevanje, krčenje gozdnih površin in živalskih bivališč ipd. Projekt ogroža tudi okoljske prebivalce, ki imajo občutek, da se jih kljub protestom ne sliši in upošteva. Leta 2013 je bil predlagan zakon, ki bi zaščitil prebivalce in okolje v območju 52 občin v nižinah Sv. Lawrenca, vendar je bil zavrnjen leta 2014. Trenutno je projekt v fazi »raziskovanja«. Lokalna uprava Québeca in podjetje Petrolia sta skupaj vložila več kot 115 milijonov kanadskih dolarjev v raziskovanje potenciala za izkop nafte in zemeljskega plina pod zemljo, vlada pa je obljubila še dodatnih 115 milijonov (izkop je ocenjen na 246 milijard kubičnih metrov). Vlada naj bi do pomladi 2015 razglasila, ali bodo projekt res izvedli, a doslej še niso izdali nobene uradne izjave. Predvideva pa se, da bo vlada umaknila podporo projektu in podjetju izplačala odškodnino.


Environmental impact

  • Water pollution
  • Land degradation (e.g. drought, soil contamination, erosion and desertification)
  • Biodiversity loss – Ecosystem destruction
  • Depletion of natural resources (fossil and mineral, forest, water, etc)
  • Waste, waste disposal, and toxicants
  • Alteration of landscape aesthetics and built heritage

Ethical/ legal issues

  • Health and well-being
  • A clean and prosperous environment and a safe and pleasant habitat
  • Indigenous land, culture and rituals
  • Personal and social development, economic progress and innovation

Information sources & materials


Miha Kitek, student, BIC Ljubljana

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