Building a paint shop on the Drava Plains in Eastern part of Slovenia, as is the case with Magna Nukleus, is a case of environmental injustice because of two issues. First, because it led to destruction of fertile (and first- class) agricultural land, which is also considered a narrow water protection area and second, because the Municipality of Hoče- Slivnica wanted to replace the fertile land by chopping down 66 ha of a forest in that same village. Both, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Maribor and Institute for Nature Conservation, gave a negative opinion on the logging, by emphasizing its ecological function and by explaining that a field cannot be made out of a forest that easily. A lot of Slovenian NGO’s, scientists and professors also protested about the 100 ha of first quality soil being destroyed and warned about the consequences. Namely, Slovenia would continue to decline in the area of ​​sustainable supply of food (in terms of the soil we would need 2000m2/ inhabitants, currently we have 850 m2/ inhabitants and we are on the tail of the EU; there is a shortfall in the cultivation of suitable soil in the plains). They also warned about reduction of the annual water flow into the groundwater (reduced by 182 000 m3 per year) and about the dangerous effects of the air pollution. There have been a lot of procedural errors, incitements of officials and politicians and questionable decisions on municipal and state level since the start of the project in 2016. The environmental consequences will fall upon at least all of the surrounding villages, but can have a major effect on the whole region in case of pollution of the aquifer. Due to concerns, a number of initiatives have been set up, with the mission to protect the environment and to receive answers for the opened issues. Those initiatives, just like a lot of Slovenian NGO’s, have been subjected to numerous pressures, threats and discreditation on personal levels, aimed directly to certain people (driven by government, municipality, civil society that had different opinion on the topic and also the media). The Initiative Save Rogoza forest has managed to find solution for 66ha of the forest, but the Ministry only accepted solution for 62 ha, saying there is no time to save the other 4, as the project has to start soon. To this day, 4 ha of the forest have fallen, the danger for the other 62 still exist, since the OPN hasn’t been modified yet. The fertile land has thus been transferred to the area of the forest, but the area of narrow water protection, has not been saved, as the paint shop is already being built. The disturbing thing is, that construction of plants in such areas is prohibited by law and as if that would not be enough, the transport of the cars will contribute to a significant increase in CO2 emissions (during the operation of 114,928 kilograms per day. Throughout the process, media was bias and non-objective, even though the project is non-compliant with numerous national laws and international treaties, ratified by Slovenia. Also with the Sustainable Development Objectives. In the long term, the future generations will be unable to live sustainably, as the lack of fertile land in Slovenia grows. They will be dependent on other countries and the developmental gap between eastern and western Slovenia will continue to grow. This project undermined the rule of law and also ignored some of the constitutional rights of the citizen and NGO’s.


Projekt Magna Nukleus oz. postavitev lakirnice na Dravskem polju je v okoljskem smislu sporen zaradi dveh zadev- prvič zaradi pozidave rodovitne prvovrstne kmetijske zemlje, ki je za povrh vsega še na ožjem vodovarstvenem območju in kot drugo zaradi prvotno predvidene sečnje 66 ha gozda, s čimer so želeli nadomestiti izgubljena kmetijska zemljišča. Negativno mnenje o sečnji sta podala Kmetijsko gozdarski zavod in Zavod za varstvo narave, ki sta gozdu pripisala pomembno ekološko funkcijo. Profesorji Biotehniške fakultete pa so na drugi strani opozarjali, da bo Slovenija s pozidavo 100 ha najkvalitetnejše prsti v Sloveniji še nazadovala na področju trajnostne preskrbe (potrebovali bi 2000m2/ prebivalca, trenutno imamo 850 m2/ prebivalca in smo na repu EU; v Sloveniji pa izredno primanjkuje za poljedelstvo primernih tal v ravnini) poleg tega pa se bo občutno zmanjšal letni vodni pretok v podtalnico (za 182 000 m3 na leto).

Pri projektu Magna Steyer v občini Hoče- Slivnica je bilo že od začetka prisotnih veliko proceduralnih napak, sprenevedanja funkcionarjev in politikov ter tudi veliko vprašljivih odločitev na krajevni, občinski in državni ravni. Posledice pa lahko nosijo najmanj okoliške vasi, zaradi lege na vodonosniku pa tudi širša štajerska regija. Zaradi zaskrbljenosti in številnih odprtih vprašanj je tako na področju Magne vzniknilo precej civilnih iniciativ, ki so zahtevale odgovore za zaskrbljeno prebivalstvo. Tako kot številne slovenske nevladne organizacije, ki so opozarjale na posledice umeščanja, so bile tudi iniciative deležne številnih pritiskov, groženj in diskreditacij na osebni ravni. Čeprav je CI Rešimo rogoški gozd uspelo najti rešitev za 62 ha gozda in čeprav so našli rešitev, ustrezno za kmetijsko- gozdarski zavod, tudi za preostale 4 ha, ministrstvo ni želelo pristati na popolno opustitev sečnje. Do danes so tako padli 4ha gozda, nevarnost ostaja še za preostale hektarje, saj OPN ni ustrezno spremenjen. Rodovitno zemljino so tako prestavili na območje posekanega gozda (čeprav je stroka opozarjala, da je to popolni nesmisel), ozemlja, ki je izrednega vodovarstvenega pomena, pa niso uspeli rešiti, zato na tem območju že raste lakirnica. Gradnja lakirnice je na ožjih vodovarstvenih območjih v Sloveniji zakonsko prepovedana, poleg vsega pa bo prevoz karoserij prispeval tudi k znatnemu povišanju emisij CO2 (v času obratovanja 114.928 kilogramov na dan). V celotnem procesu je bilo opaziti medijsko pristranskost in neobjektivno poročanje, poleg vsega, pa je projekt v neskladju s številnimi mednarodnimi pogodbami, ki jih je Slovenija ratificirala ter tudi s Cilji trajnostnega razvoja h katerim se je zavezala. Dolgoročno gledano bo projekt bodoče generacije oropal možnosti trajnostnega razvijanja, jih naredil še bolj odvisne od drugih držav in še povečal razliko med vzhodno in zahodno regijo v Sloveniji. Projekt je krepko zamajal pravno državo in ignoriral številne tudi ustavne pravice državljanov, po drugi strani pa ne bo reševal težav Štajerske, ki krvavo potrebuje delovna mesta za izobražene. Posledice sečnje in tovarne bi tako čutili predvsem krajani ene vasi- kot so dejali: Imamo dva otroka (gozd in zemljo). Ministrstvo nas sili, da oba ubijemo.


Environmental impact

  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Land degradation (e.g. drought, soil contamination, erosion and desertification)
  • Depletion of natural resources (fossil and mineral, forest, water, etc)
  • Waste, waste disposal, and toxicants
  • Hazards related to extreme weather events – natural disaster
  • Alteration of landscape aesthetics and built heritage

Ethical/ legal issues

  • Life and personal security
  • Health and well-being
  • A clean and prosperous environment and a safe and pleasant habitat
  • Equality before the law and protection by the law (including marginalized and discriminated groups because of colour, race, gender, disability, descent, economic status, age, etc.)
  • Access to public goods/ resources and products
  • Personal and social development, economic progress and innovation

Information sources & materials


Urška Trček, trenerka globalnega učenja

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