The Toolangi State Forest is situated close to Melbourne, the capital city of Victoria (Australia) and presents an important part in providing the quality and quantity of much of Melbourne's water supply. The forest is a unique example of biodiversity, as it supports many endangered species, such as the Leadbeater's Possum, Masked Owl, Barred Galaxia fish, Baw Baw frog and much of its area is dominated by the Mountain Ash trees, the tallest flowering trees in the world, growing up from 80 to  100 metres tall. The forest, which is also the most carbon dense forest in the world and the possum have co-existed and survived for millions of years, but in the last four decades several bushfires and massive logging have caused the forest ecosystem to be at risk and several mammals, especially The Leadbeater's Possum, are on the verge of extinction. As the forest is also promoted as a sustainable tourist destination and a natural learning centre, the logging jeopardises the income of many local people, who depend on the income from the tourism. The area experienced devastating fires in 1939 and 2009, the latter destroying around 50% of the Leadbeater's possum's habitat, and logging has been found to make the forest even more fire prone and the regrowth increases the risk of higher severity fires. Several attempts of conservationists, local towns and activist groups have attempted to prevent the logging, which is carried out by the VicForests, the Victorian state government company, mostly for the production of paper. The activist groups (My Environment, Friends of the Leadbeater's Possum, Central Highlands Action Group, The Wilderness Society, The Knitting Nannas of Toolangi) have carried out several activities, such as education through websites, leaflets, forest tours and videos, media interviews, letters to newspapers, fundraising, research and monitoring, as well as protests on the logging sites and in cities. The activism also includes political lobbying through petitions, boycotts and court cases. Several proposals have been made to the government to establish a Great Forest National Park, which would among other areas include the Toolangi State Forest as well. The proposal was not supported by any major political parties, but the elections in November 2014 brought the first positive response, with the Environment Minister, Lisa Neville of the new Labor government, proclaiming the proposal as a “hopeful long-term solution” in the mandate 2014 - 2018. Still, nothing has changed so far and the logging continues.

Uničenje gozda Toolangi (Viktorija, Avstralija)

Gozdno področje, imenovano The Toolangi State Forest, se nahaja uro in pol stran od Melbourna, glavnega mesta zvezne države Victoria v Avstraliji in zagotavlja veliko večino pitne vode mesta Melbourne. Gozd predstavlja edinstven primer biodverzitete, saj zagotavlja dom veliko ogroženim živalskim vrstam, kot je na primer podgana vrečarka (the Leadbeater’s Possum), sova (Masked Owl), ribe (Barred  Galaxia Fish) in žaba (Baw Baw Frog), večina gozdnega področja pa je pokrita s posebno vrsto evkaliptusa, imenovanega Mountain Ash, največjega cvetočega drevesa na svetu, ki doseže višino od 80 do 100 m. Toolangi Forest, ki hkrati predstavlja tudi najbolj zgoščeno skladišče ogljikovega dioksida na svetu, že milijone let predstavlja življenjski prostor številnim vrstam sesalcev, žal pa številni požari in pospešeno, netrajnostno gozdarjenje v zadnjih štirih desetletjih, le-te ogroža in nekatere med njimi, še posebej podgano vrečarko (The Leadbeater’s Possum) postavlja na seznam ogroženih živali, ki jih grozi izumrtje. Gozdno področje lokalni prebivalci promovirajo kot trajnostno turistično destinacijo, zato sečnja gozda ogroža tudi enega njihovih glavnih virov prihodkov. Gozdno področje sta leta 1939 in 2009 zajela dva največja požara, ki sta življenjski prostor podgane vrečarke skrčila za kar 50 %, netrajnostna sečnja gozda pa tako gozd še v večji meri izpostavlja gozdnim požarom.

Aktivisti, okoljevarstveniki in lokalno prebivalstvo se s številnimi akcijami borijo proti nadaljni sečnji, ki jo izvaja lokalno vladno podjetje VicForests, v veliki večini za surovine za papir. Pripravljajo številne proteste, kampanje z namenom ozaveščanja in izobraževanja, promocijske filme, intervjuje, pisma medijem in odločevalcem, organizirajo zbiranje sredstev, monitoring akcije in raziskave. Pogosto aktivisti izvajajo tudi fizične blokade na samem mestu sečnje (npr. s   privezom teles na kolesa strojev) in tako ovirajo delo sekalcev. Napori aktivističnih skupin, med njimi skupine My Environment, Friends of the Leadbeater’s Possum, Central Highlands Action Group, The Wilderness Society, The Knitting Nannas of Toolangi se s svojimi zahtevami in predlogi obračajo tudi na politične odločevalce, zato so že pred leti na vlado naslovili predlog o ustanovitvi velikega nacionalnega parka (The Great National Park), ki bi zajemal tudi Toolangi gozdno področje. Predlog je naletel na številna gluha ušesa, prvi pozitivni premik v predlogu pa je bilo zaznati po volitvah leta 2014, saj je okoljska ministrica, Lisa Neville, prepoznala predlog kot »potencialno dolgoročno rešitev«, ki bi jo lahko sprejeli v mandatu 2014 – 2018. Kljub temu se od takrat v tej smeri ni veliko premaknilo in tako se podiranje dreves še vedno nadaljuje.


Environmental impact

  • Air pollution
  • Land degradation (e.g. drought, soil contamination, erosion and desertification)
  • Biodiversity loss – Ecosystem destruction
  • Depletion of natural resources (fossil and mineral, forest, water, etc)

Ethical/ legal issues

  • Health and well-being
  • A clean and prosperous environment and a safe and pleasant habitat
  • Opportunities to work and leisure
  • Access to public goods/ resources and products
  • Education and information

Information sources & materials

Online books and newspaper, magazine, encyclopedia, or blog articles

Social Media exchange


Andreja Šmrgut, trenerka globalnega učenja, Humanitas

Content repository

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