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Viewing 10 topics - 31 through 40 (of 230 total)
Viewing 10 topics - 31 through 40 (of 230 total)
Create New Topic in “User Reports”

You can use this space to report a case of environmental injustice. The reported case may be local, regional, national or international. Reports can be either in English or in your native language.

Before being publicly available, reports will be moderated for language, personal attacks, and relevance, by a corresponding SAME WORLD partner. Reports will be automatically rejected if they contain any insulting language and/or personal attacks.

Provide some information about you in the following order: your name (either your real name, full or part of it, or a pen name) and your age.
Maria Papadopoulou, 21
Maria, 21
papaki, 21

Scroll down the list and select the country you are currently a resident of.

Provide a representative title for the case you report.

Scroll down the list to select the country of origin of the SAME partner you suggest as most appropriate to moderate your case report. The criteria for selecting such a moderator are: competency in understanding the native language you use, and/or country specificity of the case. If the reported case refers to a country that is not included in the drop-down list, please, submit your report in English.

Please leave here an email for contact in case we need to ask you anything or communicate with you to proceed with publishing your case reported.

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