Home Forums User Reports Riachuelo-Matanzas: 200 años de contaminación, Argentina

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    • Ajda Auersperger , Špela Rošer
      Post count: 348

      Matanza-Riachuelo also known as the Río de la Matanza, Rio Matanza, Mataderos Río, Río de la Manzana and Riachuelo is 64 km long stream in Argentina, resulting in the Province, and runs through the capital city of Buenos Aires. The river is channeled in several places, especially in its lower reaches.
      Discharged into the waste water from the saturated layers pools of many factories (mainly hardware), the total is on the shore of the river 15.000 factories, making the river so polluted. As a result, endangering the residents and the habitats of animals that reside there.
      In this area, one of the most dangerous contaminants of heavy metals such as zinc, lead, copper, nickel and chromium, the concentrations of which are greatly increased. Because these substances people (about 3.5 million) who live near the river, suffer because of skin diseases, respiratory diseases and cancer.
      The problem of the river is also seen in the floods as the south-east wind storm, known as Sudestada hinders water Riachuelu and reach the Río de la Plata, which often lead to flooding of low-lying areas.

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