Home Forums Blogposts & Case File Folders Comments Climate change threatens to sweep away Newtok village

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    • Elisa Veritti
      Post count: 21

      Newtok is a small village located on the Ninglik river, close to the Bering Sea in northwestern Alaska. It covers an area of approximately 2.8 km2 and
      [See the full post at: Climate change threatens to sweep away Newtok village]

    • Nikolaos Kamitsios 30
      Post count: 348

      The natural disaster of Newtok village is indeed alarming. There is nothing the villagers can do to save their land so the only option is to move somewhere else. The U.S. goverment should look after its people. It is an emergency and “injustice”. The government should fund the relocation immediately!

      I live in the city of Kozani, Greece and some years ago a village named Haravgi was relocated somewhere else due to the lignite rich ground of the village. The proccess took less than a year and al its villagers were 100% relocated with the help of the Greek government.

      I don’t undestand why the Newtok case is so different. These people are losing their homes day by day and the U.S. government doesn’t think they deserve a quick response?

      I think they should reapply for funds again and again till they get them.

      Also the internet is a good place to raise funds from people all over the world. I think it deseves immediate solution and it is not something to be stalled.

      • Elisa Veritti
        Post count: 21

        I didn’t know about Haravagi village it’s a very interesting case of relocation! The situation in the Arctic is worsening day by day that’s why it’s key to raise awareness on what it’s going on there and make sure everyone is informed and wide awake!

    • Sophie Katsiouli, 19
      Post count: 348

      It’s sad seeing situations like this occuring in the 21st century and its even more sad having to talk about it and trying to find solutions while solutions should be obvious and taken immidiately. Newtok village is undoubtedly in great danger and people there, try their best to make it work. Sometimes though, people’s attempts are not enough and the government should put some effort as well. Faced with the government’s apathy, we are all by the Newtok villagers’ side supporting them through social networks and sending to everyone the message about injustice.

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